shopping in bend

Find Something Unique

Gift & Specialty Stores

Find Something Unique

Gift & Specialty Stores in Bend

Looking for a gift for that special someone or a unique souvenir that captures your Bend experience? The good news is, there are plenty of gift shops and specialty stores carrying exactly what you want so you can remember all the fun you had on your vacation.

Discover unique local mementos and souvenirs like handmade jewelry, fine art from neighborhood galleries, or beauty and wellness products made with locally grown lavender. Or how about a pint glass, magnet, or t-shirt decked out with the iconic Bend logo. Or why not go old school and replace the digital wish-you-were-here greeting with a handwritten postcard or card.

You’ll also find oodles of specialty retail stores carrying anything from kitchen equipment at Kara’s Kitchenware, video games at GameStop, CDs and vinyl at Smith Rock Records, or premium art materials at Layor Art + Supply. And if the kids – or the kid in you – are behaving, a stop at Dakota’s Brick shop, where you’ll find an entire store dedicated to Legos, is a must.

Are you on the lookout for a one-of-a-kind gift that you won’t find anywhere else? How about taking a pilgrimage down memory lane by visiting the very last Blockbuster Video ever! Not only can you still rent DVDs, but you can shop for nostalgic merchandise like a “Be Kind Rewind!” ballcap, t-shirts for the whole family, and even an adult onesie in the classic blue and yellow colors.

No matter what your hobby is, what types of memorabilia you like to collect, or what kind of unique Bend, Oregon souvenir is on the shopping list, you’ll easily find a gift or specialty store selling just what you’re looking for.

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